You are not a second class citizen my sis, but the 1st lady in your husband’s heart, home and church.  Do you believe it?

Sometimes, you might be experiencing the opposite but you are most definitely not a second class citizen.  Even if you are snubbed in the church and when you preach or speak, people will not really listen to you, why?  Because they want to hear the man of God speak, that is ok as you are still beautifully and wonderfully made.
You have your calling and talents, just as your husband has his.  There are some specific work that God has placed inside of you that no one else can do it except you.

Remember what Jesus said in Matt 13:57 …But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own country and in his own house,”

Step aside and take time out to nurture your gifts and your talents.  When you are being praised outside for your outstanding work of excellence, as a result of you activating your gifts and talents, outside of the church, it is the same members, who did not support you in church, who will come and apologise or come and make amends in their own way.

As they say, don’t sweat the small stuff.  God’s hand is on you and you will be given the honour and respect that you deserve in time.  Hold your peace my sister because you are beautifully and wonderfully made.

Prayer point: Father thank you that you made be beautifully and wonderfully in Jesus name, amen.

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