rainbow-umbrella-FI-Pst 1st LSo a couple of weeks ago, I talked to you about Joseph and how he suffered due to the wickedness of his older brothers.  We got to the point of Joseph’s gift of dream interpretation making a way for him.  As a result Joseph was taken from the prison to the palace and so shall it be for you and I in Jesus name.

Today, I want to look at the second part of the story of Joseph…He is now the prime minister of Egypt and the second in command to Pharaoh.  Glory to God!  That will be your testimony soon.

Now, there was famine in the land, as he had predicted, to Pharaoh, according to the dream Pharaoh had.  During this time, Joseph’s older brothers came to Egypt to buy food.  They did not recognize Joseph, now twenty years older, and he treated them harshly, pretending that he thought they were spies. Joseph kept one brother in prison until the others brought their youngest brother, Benjamin, back to Egypt to prove they were not spies. They brought Benjamin with them on a return trip, and, after a series of twists that included his brothers bowing before him, in fullfilment of Joseph’s dream from when he was much younger, Joseph revealed himself to his brothers. They were shocked, yet soon glad to be reunited. Joseph sent word for the entire family to join them in Egypt until after the famine.

Later, when their father, Jacob, died, Joseph’s brothers feared that Joseph would take revenge against them for their prior treatment of him. They came to Joseph and begged for his forgiveness, appealing to a request their father had made before he died (Genesis 50:16–17) Joseph wept when he heard their appeal. Revenge was the last thing on his mind. Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:19–20).

In the story of Joseph, we see a young man, keeping his Godly attitude and character when things were tough for him.  We also see the theme of forgiveness, sibling rivalry, God’s ability to remember His own and God allowing Joseph to suffer the way he did.  

Life can sometimes be harsh but as children of God, we have to hold on and continue to forgive those who hurt us.  We have to see our life’s experiences as part of God’s plan to help us serve others.

Prayer points: Lord give me a heart like Joseph, to be forgiving, when people hurt me in Jesus name; Lord take me from this prison to my palace in the name of Jesus; Lord help me to assist others, even when I am suffering in Jesus name.

Recommended Resources: Genesis – NIV Application Commentary by John Walton and Logos Bible Software.

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